Artificial Grass Newcastle

The Benefits Of Installing Artificial Lawn In Your Home

There are lots of reasons to love artificial grass! According to Newcastle landscaping, some of the best reasons include no watering and save time on maintenance. This leaves you to enjoy your garden rather than having to spend hours and hours maintaining it.

9 Reasons to Replace Your Current Lawn With Artificial Grass

Not entirely sure if the artificial grass is the right choice for you? Newcastle Landscaping has put together a list of 9 reasons why it’s a much better alternative to a real lawn.

1.  Remains disease-free.

Natural grass is very susceptible to disease, and if you’re unlucky enough to experience this with your lawn, you’ll realise the hassle it can cause, such as unsightly brown patches. Artificial grass will always remain disease-free, still looking good with virtually no maintenance.

2.  Doesn’t attract pests or weeds.

Weeds are particularly problematic for real lawns as they have soil underneath them. Other issues with insects and pests can also occur. With artificial grass, this is eliminated, and the weed proof foundation stops annoying weeds for good.

3.  Mud or puddles aren’t an issue.

After a heavy rain spell, real grass can quickly become waterlogged. This inevitably affects lawn health, and can even kill off the grass. Once again, artificial grass doesn’t suffer this problem, and you won’t need to worry about your dog dragging mud inside.

4.  No fertiliser required.

Grass requires fertilising every year, and this money is sure to add up. Why not consider artificial grass? Newcastle Landscaping suggests an artificial lawn to help save you money. Why not put this to better use like new garden furniture or plants?

5.  Pesticides become a thing of the past.

With real lawns, it’s sometimes necessary to treat it with pesticides, and this can be harmful to children or anyone who uses the lawn. Fake grass doesn’t attract pests, so pesticide doesn’t need to be used, therefore eliminating this problem.

6. Longer lasting.

Natural lawns can have a shelf life, meaning they sometimes need replacing every couple of years depending on how well they’ve been looked after. Contrastingly, artificial grass lasts for between 12 and 15 years before needing replacement. Therefore, it lasts much longer than natural turf.

7. No lawnmower pollution.

Did you know that merely mowing your lawn for an hour can release as much pollution as a 100-mile car trip? Considering the number of people who mow their turf over the weekend, this is a lot of pollution! Artificial grass doesn’t require mowing, and nor is better for the environment.

8. Ground pollution eliminated.

For natural lawns to remain healthy, they may require treatment with fertilizers or pesticides from time to time. The downside is that these types of chemicals can be harmful to children, pets and the environment. Because artificial grass doesn’t need chemicals, it is much better in this respect.

9. Saves loads of water.

For pet owners, artificial grass does need rinsing now and again. But aside from this, it doesn’t need watering, unlike real grass. For you, this means a cheaper water bill. For the environment, more water is conserved.


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