7 Important Things to Do Before Moving to a New House

7 Important Things to Do Before Moving to a New House

If you’re like most people, then you probably don’t find moving to be an enjoyable process. In fact, 45% of Americans dislike it so much that they end up packing at the last possible moment.

While the moving process may never be fun, you still have to remember to do some different things. So what should you add to your moving checklist?

Keep reading to learn about seven things to do before moving that you don’t want to forget about.

1. Switch the Locks

Make sure that as soon as you close on the house, you change the locks on the outside doors. Realtors, maintenance teams, and many other people can all have a copy of the key. To give yourself total peace of mind, switch the locks as soon as you get a chance.

2. Reprogram the Garage Doors

If you’re buying your first house, remember to not only change the locks but also reprogram the garage doors. Although many people forget about doing this, it’s as important as switching the locks. For help, you can have a professional assist you.

Doing things such as changing the locks, reprogramming the garage doors, and finding the right home buyers insurance will help you make the best out of your new place.

3. Give the New Home a Deep Clean

Regardless of how clean the previous owners left the home, there is something to be said about cleaning it again yourself. This will also help you feel more comfortable with it. If you don’t have time to clean, look into hiring professional cleaners to help you.

4. Organize the Closets

If you’re moving into an older home, the closets may be outdated and not optimized. Invest in some closet organizers to help you hold everything. This will then make the rest of the moving process less stressful as you’ll have the space to put everything.

5. Paint Everything

If there are any damaged areas on the walls or ceilings, throwing some paint over them won’t be enough. Take the time to paint and restore everything the right way, and you’ll start off on the right foot.

In most cases, it’s a good idea to hire professional painters. They’ll work more efficiently, and will also do a better job.

6. Clean and Service the HVAC System

Having the home’s HVAC system serviced should also be a priority. If it’s dirty, this can harm the health of you and your family members. Have the filters changed, the ducts cleaned, and the system serviced before starting your new life.

7. Create a Sense of Uniformity

Many older homes have mismatched outlets, light switches, and switch plates. By replacing all of them, you’ll create a home that feels more modern, as well as cleaner.

Don’t Forget About These Seven Things to Do Before Moving

Moving into a new home can be a tiring and stressful process, which makes it easy to forget about doing certain things. However, regardless of how draining the process is, don’t forget about these important things to do before moving.

Did you learn some moving tips you didn’t know? If you did, make sure you check out some of our other blog posts for more guides and tips.


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